Physics of Neutron Stars - 2001
St. Petersburg, June 6-8

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This will be the sixth gathering on neutron star physics in St.-Petersburg (after those in 1988, 1992, 1995, 1997, and 1999). Its aim is to bring together those who are interested in physics and astrophysics of neutron stars. All subjects relevant to theory and observations of neutron stars are welcome: radiation (from radio to hard gamma-rays), origin, evolution in binary systems, merging, radio pulsars, X-ray pulsars, X-ray bursters, transients, soft gamma repeaters, anomalous X-ray pulsars, internal structure, atmospheres, neutrino emission, etc. The conference is planned as a Russian event (the sessions will be mainly in Russian), but scientists from other countries may also be present.

Contact person: Kaminker Alexander Davidovich
phones: (812) 247-91-80
(812) 247-93-26
fax: (812) 550-48-90

[Neutron Star Group] < [Department of Theoretical Astrophysics] < [Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute]
Page created by Alexander Potekhin (
Last update: June 26, 2001
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