[DTA Staff] [Department of Theoretical Astrophysics] [Ioffe Institute]

Andrey Andreevich Kozhberov

PhD (Cand. Sci.), Research Scientist at the Department of Theoretical Astrophysics of the Ioffe Institute.

PhD Thesis: Structure and thermodynamic properties of Coulomb crystals in interiors of degenerate stars
[Summary (Avtoreferat)] (639 kB, PDF file, in Russian)
[Full text] (10.9 MB, PDF file, in Russian)

Ioffe Institute
Politekhnicheskaya 26
194021 St.Petersburg

Telephone numbers:(+7 -812-)292 7 180
292 7 326

[DTA Staff] [Neutron Star Group] [Department of Theoretical Astrophysics] [Ioffe Institute]

Page created on February 13, 2012, last updated on May 7, 2020.