GaP - Gallium Phosphide

Thermal properties

Bulk modulus 8.8·1011 dyn cm-2
Melting point 1457 °C
Specific heat 0.43 J g-1°C-1
Thermal conductivity 1.1 W cm-1 °C-1
Thermal diffusivity 0.62 cm2s-1
Thermal expansion, linear 4.65·10-6°C-1

Temperature dependence of thermal conductivity.
(Muzhdaba et al. [1968]).
Temperature dependence of specific heat.
(Sirota and Sidorov [1988]).
Temperature dependence of linear expansion coefficient α.
(Deus et al. [1983]).
Temperature dependence of equilibrium pressure of P2along the liquidus curve.
(Ilegems et al. [1974]).